I have heard it from numerious people on here to just suck it up and learn how to use a keyboard and mouse, and that a controller will never compare. No seems like the only solution is to unplugg the controller and use mouse and keyboard for everything #2 spookeronis 6:41am You could just go into options and switch controller on and off, but if you don't feel like using up like 5 seconds of your time I guess there is no option until someone makes a mod. Exactly, I prefer a mouse and keyboard on plenty of games, but not this one. PC, being one of the most flexible platforms around, can take inputs from controllers and mouse and keyboard. Then i wish one of the devs could tell me why a brand new controller bought just today for this game is not working. In this day and age, where games can switch between keyboard and mouse on the fly, even sometimes use both at once, it's astounding.

But i want to move and shoot with keyboard and mouse and use the controller for things like building a settlement and so on. After that's done, press the run button (it looks like a ">") in the top right corner, and it should be good to go. A PC with Bluetooth Setup vJoy before continuing. Since I was using a 4 player cabinet, I had no choice but to go with the keyboard input option. For our controller's joysticks, we need to change our "Pugin Selection" to "Remapper (Axis To Buttons)". On Output Devices, select ViGEm Xbox 360 Controller 1.

Select the various groups of controls that you want to map. We decided to just play the game till we died so that I can switch back to controller.